Viva’s Blog: Are you using your most valuable assets?

As Peter Lewis, the late Chairman of Progressive Insurance used to say, “our most important assets walk up and down the stairs everyday.” Savvy business leaders understand that strong brands aren’t built by the marketing department alone; every employee in an organization contributes to the health of the brand. That’s why it’s key to leverage employees as “brand ambassadors”. For many organizations, the strength of the brand rests on the values and behaviors of its…

Viva’s Blog: Gamification: Time to play?

Gamification, the use of game mechanics and design techniques to motivate people to achieve a particular goal or task, has emerged as a powerful marketing tool. Savvy business leaders use it as a customer acquisition and retention tool as well as a workplace solution to train employees, encourage collaboration and drive innovation. The power of gamification is huge as it addresses major trends: the coming of age of Generation Y (the generation born in the…

Viva’s Blog: Are you letting price decide?

Don’t let price decide. Give consumers a reason to buy your brand over others so price is just another factor. Brand building is all about communicating how your widget is different and better than others sold on Amazon, various e-commerce sites and in retail stores. It’s about listening to people who use your product and have tried others, how they describe their experiences and how each product makes them feel. It’s about listening to people…

Viva’s Blog: Why we love the Olympics

What is it about these 17 days of sport and politics that captivates us and unifies an otherwise often divided nation? Why did twice as many people watch the Olympics Sunday night compared to the combined primetime viewership of ABC, CBS and FOX? How do you create a brand your customers love? There’s a lot for business people to learn from the Olympics. Lesson #1: Make it about a common goal. The Games matter because…

Viva’s Blog: Top 10 marketing mistakes to avoid in 2014

#1: Spending marketing dollars without knowing your “allowable acquisition cost”. Allowable acquisition cost is how much you can afford to spend to attract a new customer and meet your profit objectives. It starts with calculating the average customer’s lifetime value. #2: Listening to your friends. Many of our clients have come to us after spending a lot of money with the wrong advertising agency. Yes, as Nielsen reports, 92% of people trust recommendations from friends…

Laura Sheridan, President of Viva La Brand, Is Speaking at the 2013 Legal Practice Development Institute.

CLEVELAND, OH – October 8, 2013 – Laura Sheridan, President of Viva La Brand, the Cleveland, Ohio-based marketing strategy and ad agency search firm, is speaking on the subject of Brand Building: Taking your law firm to the next level at the Columbus Bar Association and Legal Marketing Association’s 2013 Legal Practice Development Institute on October 23rd in Columbus, OH. “It’s quite an honor to be selected as the expert on building a professional services…

Viva La Brand Celebrates 6 Years of Building Brands

Viva La Brand, the Cleveland, Ohio-based marketing strategy and ad agency search firm announced the celebration of 6 record-breaking years in business. Clients including Southern California Edison, Rosemead, CA, HCT Executive Interim Solutions, Chicago, IL, Kellman Brown Academy, Cherry Hill, NJ, and many other aggressive, successful organizations have retained Viva La Brand to further catapult their businesses in the past year. Large and small, national and local companies across a wide range of industries are…

Viva’s Blog: Act now. Tweak later.

Start-ups are teaching larger organizations some lessons, but are they listening? By the time some organizations finally schedule a meeting to decide who should study an upstart’s new product, the small company has already released its next version. Act now. Tweak later. These are the days of “minimum viable product” or MVP. MVP is a strategy used for fast and quantitative testing of a product. The idea is to get a “good enough” product in…

Make Your Customers’ Business Your Business, as featured in Crain’s by Viva’s Laura Sheridan

MAKE YOUR CUSTOMERS’ BUSINESS YOUR BUSINESS By Laura Sheridan When was the last time you talked to a customer about their business, not yours? Can’t recall? Here are three reasons why these calls are great for your business and four easy steps to get started. Why should you make the call? Reason No. 1: Turn a transaction into a relationship. A lot of us aren’t very good at listening. Just stop and observe. You’ll hear…

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